The shag net

Hundreds of birds
fly fast and low
skimming over the water
wings waving like
flapping flags flying.
Suddenly the front line
slows and slips
into the water
diving question marks
as they curve and plunge
one row after another
the water swirls
and they surface again
one row after another.
The pelicans follow
dipping and scooping
with their pouchy beaks
deep down
as they lift their wings
clear of the water
to keep them dry.
The shags stand on the rocks
or the river wall
wings outstretched to dry.
The pelicans rest beside the river
rows of oval shapes
pouchy beaks tucked in
under large white wings.

Copyright Sandra Roe

The view of Forrestdale Lake from the boardwalk

The path came through fringing paperbarks
over squelchy ground
too boggy and wet to walk on.
A band of rushes
light straw colour
an exotic weed
infests the circle edge.
A strand of blue water
reflects the sky.
Distance hazes the view.
On what appears to be a sand bar
in the centre
stands a line of black swans
around forty or fifty of them
familiar shapes
beloved black density
shimmering in early spring light
some standing still
others flashing white under wings.
Another blue line
behind the sandy shallows
leads to the band of trees
on the other side
and the wide blue sky.

Black Swans

early morning
I see them
bold black on sunfrost grass
long necks stretch
swing around
gentle construction cranes
gather sticks grass
plastic bits
nest and
eggs laid
take turns feeding brooding
beak opens for cooling
wings umbrella raised
shielding hatching
cygnets floating
between proud parents
feeding learning
growing quickly
running along feeling wings
lift off into lake
soar over river

Copyright Sandra Roe