The View from Mount Eliza


The view from Mount Eliza
distant range of hills
Ridges north east
river flowing south west
into Perth water
shoals and sand spits
black swans white pelicans
Mounts Bay circle of water.
The river Narrows
Point Lewis almost meeting
Point Belches on south peninsula.
River widens into Melville Water estuary.
Marri and Jarrah trees
cover the land.
Kangaroos quiet thump
marsupials rustle
birds frogs insects.


The view from Mount Eliza
distant range of hills
The low dusty township
laid over the ridges
Perth street grid
dominated by Mount Eliza.
Boats on Perth Water
main transport.
Shenton’s Mill
on peninsula south.


The view from Mount Eliza
in Kings Park.
Distant range of hills
Low modern city on the ridges.
Some river has been reclaimed
water’s edge shifted south
of city ridges.
The Narrows is bridged.
Mounts Bay sand mass
awaits freeway loops.
Road line crosses the Narrows
moving south
along penisnula edge
past the Old Mills.


The view from Mount Eliza
distant range of hills
Shiny glass steel city
soars on the ridges.
Sail boats ferries cross
the blue river.
Freeway loops covered
with trees lakes cycle paths.
Road lines move north south
over the Narrows
past the Old Mill
behind the wire fence
on south peninsula tip.
Clear view
spectacular city risen
traffic roar ascends.

Copyright Sandra Roe